FAQ - Process IO HART -
FAQ - Process IO HART

Q |
Do I have HART capability with Analog Modules ? |
A |
Analogue I/O modules are available both with & without HART capability.
Analog Output (AO) modules:
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Q |
Can I multidrop a number of HART devices on a single analog channel ? |
A | Only a single HART field device per channel is supported in both the Analog Input & Output I/O modules. The RAM memory that is available in each I/O module has to support the handling of up to 4 HART variables and HART status for each connected HART device, covering all eight I/O channels. Attempting to multidrop devices on each channel would result in severe design constraints. .Also, once multiple devices are connected to a single channel the basic 4-20 mA signal is lost, data transfer reverting to purely a HART polling technique. This would have a detrimental effect on data transfer rates, and in most circumstances would be unacceptable. For this reason support of multiple instruments on a single channel is not available. |
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Q |
How do I connect Instrument Maintenance Management software to the MTL8000 1/1 |
A | The MTL8000 1/1 system supports use of the Profibus DP.V1 protocol, whereby a Master Class 2 host may be accommodated on the Profibus network. For this purpose a Class 2 Master, running Instrument Management software, facilitates HART bi-directional pass-through transactions to all connected HART field instruments. This enables the full use of such maintenance facilitates over the main Profibus highway, together with the main process control communications running from a Master Class 1 host. |
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What HART solutions can MTL provide? |
A | Refer to the HART section of Website. |
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Q |
When I have a HART transmitter, can I connect a hand held terminal in the field? |
A | A hand-held terminal can be connected at the HART field instrument itself or at the field terminal to which the instrument is connected. If the application involves hazardous areas then the user must ensure that appropriate certification exists for the hand-held device being used. |
Q |
What is Dual-LAN operation with HART Maintenance? |
A | This application was created to allow the use of redundant Modbus communication over dual LAN highways, to multiple MTL8000 nodes, whilst allowing for HART interfacing via the local configuration port of the Bus Interface Module (BIM). |
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