Eaton MTL

MTL Instruments Group

Displaying all Legacy Products

105U-L I/O Count Transmitter and Receiver Pair

The ELPRO 105U-L-T (Transmitter) and 105U-L-R (Receiver) products feature a small I/O count, one-way and…

115S I/O Interface

The 115SS range of wireless I/O multiplexers provide an interface to MTL wireless networks for…

245U-E Access point

The 245U-E enables Ethernet and serial device connectivity over an 802.11 wireless connection for network…

24V DC Power Supply Units

Economical universal Power Supplies for conversion from a range AC and DC voltages.

455U-D Wireless Serial Data Modem

The 455U-D serial modem is ideal for long range SCADA applications.

4850 Master Clock

The 4850 Master Clock provides global time synchronisation of multiple System 9000TS Sequence of Events…

725 Range - Programmable Alarm Annunciators

Our top selling FULLY programmable alarm annunciator, packed with advanced features in a modern ergonomic…

725B Range Combined Annunciator and Event Recorder

Our latest, most innovative and advanced Alarm Annunciator is based on our field-proven 725 Range…

8000 2/1 Modules

2/1 I/O modules are used for Zone 0/Zone 1/Div 1 field wiring

8000 2/2 Modules

2/2 IO modules are used for field wiring from safe (non-hazardous) areas.

8000 2/x Modbus RTU

Modbus RTU and Profibus DPv0

8000 2/x Power Supplies

A range of AC and DC input power supplies specially designed to suit MTL8000 applications.

8000 2/x Process I/O™

Carriers distribute power and communications to the I/O modules in 8000 Remote Process I/O systems,…

8000 Field Terminals

Replaceable unit chosen to suit the field wiring and the IO module.

8000 Module Carriers and Cables

Carriers distribute power and communications to the I/O modules.

8000 Railbus Isolator

Provides galvanic isolation of the comms bus for the IO modules with IS field wiring.

8000 Software

A method for configuring Profibus and Modbus BIMs in a remote I/O node.

905U-1,2,3,4 Wireless I/O

The 905U and 805U simply and reliably communicate transducer and switch data by providing a…

905U-D/805U-D Wireless Serial Data Modem

The 905U-D and 805U-D serial modems provide remote serial connectivity.

915U-2 Wireless Mesh Networking I/O & Gateway

The 915U-2 wireless mesh networking I/O and gateway is a multiple I/O node that extends…

9202-ETS MTL Tofino™ industrial security solution

New second generation industrial security solution for protection against intentional and unintentional security incidents.

9211-ET Tofino™ Hardware Security Appliance

A hardware appliance designed to operate in a harsh and hazardous environment.

9331-TI 8-channel temperature multiplexer

The 9331-TI fieldbus multiplexer is a field-mounted temperature input block for 2- and 3- wire…

945U-E and 805U-E Wireless High-Speed, Long-Range Ethernet Modem

The 945U-E and 805U-E Wireless Ethernet Modems are robust, license free wireless transceivers capable of…

9470 Gigabit IS Ethernet range

The 9470 product range provides cost-effective Intrinsically Safe (IS) Gigabit Ethernet equipment that can be…


The unique 9474-ET/ETG IS interface provides connectivity between non-IS and IS Ethernet networks.


This module allows existing Intrinsically Safe equipment with an RS485/RS422 or RS232/TTL port to connect…

AMS Alarm Management Software

The Alarm Management Software has been designed as a ready to use standard package to…

Antenna Protection - CA range

CA range devices provide protection of radio transmitters and receivers connected to coaxial feeders.

AS-i Megablock range

DIN-rail mounting passive hubs for AS-i networks. Short circuit segment protection.

Azonix Drilling Unit (ADU)

The Azonix Drilling Unit is an application specific tool for use in the oil and…

Barracuda 15 Workstation

The Azonix Barracuda 15 WS solves the industry’s need for a high performance computing platform…

Barracuda 19” BOP

The Barracuda BOP (Blow Out Protection) is an application specific rig-floor computer.

Barracuda Lite Workstation

The Barracuda Lite is available in 15" and 19" versions.

Bus Interface Modules (BIM’s)

The Bus Interface Module (BIM) communicates between the IO modules and the host controller.

Bus Interface Modules (BIM’s) - Legacy

The Bus Interface Module (BIM) communicates between the IO modules and the host controller.

Challenger Remote PC’s

The CHALLENGER range of remote PC terminals set the standard for operation and visualisation in…

Classic 9460-ET range

For use in Zone 1 and Zone 0 the 9400 products provide IS Ethernet equipment…

Classic Redundant Fieldbus Power Supplies

Multi segment power supplies for fieldbus networks

Classic Single-Segment Power Supplies

Established FPS-D/DT and MTL5995 ranges for small/medium scale networks

Configuration Tools and Software

The PCS45/PCL45USB configurator allows our converters to be configured from a standard PC running a…

DA135 Series LED Beacons

The DA135 LED Beacon provides an ultra-bright LED flash to warn of abnormal events in…

DA149 IS Relay

For isolated signal transfer between safe and hazardous areas, with galvanically isolated interface requiring no…

DA170 Intrinsically Safe LED Clusters

Reliable, high brightness visual indication for hazardous and safe areas, available in six super-bright colours.…

DA180 Range Intrinsically Safe Giant LED Clusters

The DA180 provides extremely clear visual indication of process control conditions for both safe and…

DB5 Intrinsically Safe Sounder

The DB5 Intrinsically Safe Sounder has a sound output greater than 100dBA and offers 26…

DF30 - Display Facias

The DF30 is available in three different window sizes; any combination of these window sizes…

DFR30IS Intrinsically Safe Display Facia

Based on our field proven DF30, the DFR30IS Intrinsically Safe Display Facia provides a clear…

DP200 BT & RJ range

The DP200 BT & RJ range provides surge protection for telecom applications.

Dual Redundant Power Supply

The RT-AD range is based on two RT range Power Supplies to give the customer…

Ethernet Media Converter

A cost-effective method of extending your transmission distance and achieving significant EMI noise immunity

Explorer Remote PC’s

The EXPLORER range of hazardous area panel PC's are ideally suited to surviving the harsh…

F809F-Plus Fieldbus Diagnostics Module

The F809F-Plus Fieldbus diagnostics module monitors the performance of up to eight fieldbus segments providing…


Redundant fieldbus power for Yokogawa CENTRUM 3000 R3 control system.

Fieldbus Displays

We supply the widest range of fieldbus displays from 8 variable units to cost effective…

Fieldbus Power Hub

The F11 is the next generation of the popular Power Hub.

Fieldbus Software

MTL software to help you in build your network efficiently.

Fieldbus Test Equipment

Fieldbus diagnostic tools from the industry's leading supplier.

Fieldbus Test Equipment 1

Fieldbus diagnostic tools from the industry's leading supplier.

FNICO Power Supplies

For live-workable fieldbus networks in Zone 2 and Division 2 hazardous areas.


FP32 devices provide surge protection along the Trunk or Spurs of fieldbus systems from damaging…


The FS32 represents the leading edge of surge protection design. With its space saving profile…

G1010 - Galvanic Oxygen Gas Analyzer (Panel Mount)

The G1010 oxygen analyzer uses a galvanic oxygen cell to measure oxygen over an exceptional…

Gasfill 10 - Argon, Xenon and Krypton IG Filling Machine

Fill IG units with Argon (Ar), Xenon (Xe) or Krypton (Kr) gases

Gasfill 30 - Argon, Xenon and Krypton IG Filling Machine

Fill IG units with Argon (Ar), Xenon (Xe) or Krypton (Kr) gases

Gasfill 60 - Argon, Xenon and Krypton IG Filling Machine

Fill IG units with Argon (Ar), Xenon (Xe) or Krypton (Kr) gases


created for general certificates to be tagged

GIR250 - Oxygen and carbon dioxide analyser (Bench Top)

The GIR250 is designed to monitor percentage levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in a…

GIR5000 - Landfill and Biogas Monitoring Analyser (Wall Mount)

The ATEX certified GIR5000 is a 2 or 3 gas version analyser used for the…

GIR5500 - Landfill and Biogas Monitoring Analyser (Wall Mount)

The ATEX certified GIR5500 can be supplied as a single or four gas version analyser…

HART Customised Solutions

HART interface designs to suit specific applications and systems.

Hazardous Area 802.11

Our intrinsically safe (I.S.) wireless solutions provide completely safe wireless operation in hazardous areas.


The HW48 device safeguards Honeywell STT350 intelligent transmitters against surges and transients from field cabling.

Integrated Backplane solutions

MTL provides complete design and manufacturing services for custom backplanes as well as standard backplane…

Intrinsically Safe Fieldbus Barriers

NEW MTL Fieldbus Barrier provides live-working ability in hazardous areas.

Intrinsically Safe Fieldbus Barriers (Legacy)

(Legacy Products) NEW MTL Fieldbus Barrier provides live-working ability in hazardous areas.

Intrinsically Safe Power Supplies

The 949x-PS range of MTL intrinsically safe (IS) isolated power supplies are ideal for providing…

IOP range

The IOP offers protection for both digital I/O and analog I/O. This is the most…

IR600 - Infrared Gas Analyzer (Wall Mount)

IR600 analysers continuously monitor carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or methane in concentrations ranging from 100%…

IS Ethernet Wireless Access Point/Bridge

Our MTL Intrinsically safe (I.S.) wireless solutions provide completely safe wireless operation in hazardous areas.

K & KG6050 - Single or Dual Gas Analyser to measure Hydrogen, Helium and Argon

The K & KG6050 measures oxygen (O2) and any one of the following gases (…

K1550 - Hydrogen, Helium, Argon and Xenon Gas Analyzer (Panel Mount)

The ATEX certified K1550 accurately measures the changes of one gas constituent in gas mixtures…

K1650 - Hydrogen Purity Monitor for Power Station Alternator and Turbines Purge (Panel Mount)

The ATEX certified K1650 measures all gas stages in hydrogen cooled turbines and alternators used…

K522 - Thermal Conductivity (TCD) Gas Sensor for Hydrogen (H2), Helium (He), Argon(Ar) applications

The K522 is supplied with an ATEX certified stainless steel remote sensor and interface configuration…

K6050AP - Hydrogen Purity Monitor for Power Station Alternator and Turbines Purge (Transportable)

The K6050AP analyser has been designed specifically for use in power stations.

KK650 - Hydrogen and Chlorine Gas Analyser for Chlor-Alkali Plants (Wall Mount)

The KK650 is designed to meet the challenges of measuring chlorine and hydrogen in all…

LN1000 - Intrinsically Safe Annunciator

For indication of alarms in any zone, the LN1000 provides all alarm and contact information,…

LS Range

Protection for LS lighting systems. Compact package with series or parallel connection methods.

LS range (Legacy)

Protection for LS lighting systems. Compact package with series or parallel connection models.

MA05/10 range

The MA05/10 EMC/surge protection devices can be incorporated into, or mounted close to, individual items…

MA15 range

The MA15 range of surge protection devices protects electronic equipment and computer networks against the…

MA30 range

The MA30 range of surge protection devices protects electronic equipment power supplies and computer networks…

MA3100 range

This cost effective surge protector is for applications described by IEC 61312 where the surge…

MA3100 Series (Legacy Products)

This cost effective surge protector is for applications described by IEC 61312 where the surge…

MA3350 DC range

The MA3350 DC is ideal for DC applications where high surge current surge protection is…

MA3350 range

The MA3350 is ideal for AC or DC applications where high surge current surge protection…

MA4000 range

The MA4000 is universally suitable for protection power supplies in hostile environments.

Managed Ethernet Switches

A comprehensive range of managed Ethernet switches that extend to multi-port Gigabit models with plug-in…

MAPtest 3050 - Modified Atmosphere Food Gas Analyser (Bench Top)

The MAPtest 3050 is one of the most advanced modified atmosphere packaging analysers of its…

Media Converters

The industrial-grade Ethernet-to-Fibre Converters product range convert Ethernet data to fibre optic signals.